Acuneedling - Needling by a Registered Midwife

What is Acuneedling?

Acuneedling is stimulation of acu-points within the sope of midwifery practice. It is used to promote balance and harmony within the body systems, supporting patients both emotionally and physically during episodes of disharmony or change.

As an acuneedling midwife, I am trained to support you with treatments within the scope of pregnancy, to help relieve common discomforts and symptoms of pregnancy, encourage activation of labour and support and nourish new mothers in the postnatal period.

How can acuneedling support you during your Pregnancy and Postpartum?

  • In Pregnancy

    Pregnancy is a time of great change and growth for women’s bodies. This can result in many bodily discomforts and unwelcome aches and pains.

    Are you experiencing nausea and vomiting, heartburn, constipation or maybe pelvic, hip and back pain? What about insomnia or maybe you’re having trouble with emotional regulation?

    Acuneedling is a safe and gentle way to help the body to find balance and comfort as the body changes and grows.

  • Labour & Birth Preparation

    Acuneedling treatments in the last month of pregnancy can help to boost mum’s energy and stamina, encourage a calm and relaxed mindset, relax pelvic ligaments and soft tissues, ripen the cervix and help with optimal positioning of baby.

    We can also combine your session with some gentle Optimal Maternal Positioning body work to really balance things out.

  • Postpartum

    The days and weeks after having your baby are a time for nourishing the body and replenishing the Qi and blood depleted by birth. Traditional mother warming treatments using Moxibustion can help with this, best done around day 4-5 post birth.

    Acuneedling may also be helpful in the management of Breastfeeding issues and mastitis (with the inclusion of IBCLC and/GP as necessary)


  • The needles used are very thin, so insertion does not generally cause any pain. There may be a slight sting or ache as the needle is placed, particularly if the points are quite active, this should settle quickly. Some patients report sensations of heaviness, warmth or tingles during a treatment which are all normal.

  • Initial treatments will take up to 60mins as we will need to do a full health history before treatment begins. Subsequent treatments will be between 30-45mins

  • It depends on what we are treating. Some symptoms will be improved after one treatment while others may take up to three treatments to reach satisfactory results.

  • Acuneedling is considered very safe. All equipment used is sterile and single use. We will do a full health history before your initial treatment. Care will be taken to ensure correct positioning of patents and needles to ensure safety.

  • Your treatment may involve needling of acu- points, moxibustion and possibly some gentle body work and stretches. Treatments are provided in a clinic setting on a wide bed with plenty of pillows and blankets to ensure your comfort. Once the needles are placed the lights will be dimmed and gentle music will be played while you relax and enjoy your treatment. I will be close by should you need anything.

  • Treatments will vary between $85-$100 depending on what we are treating for. Prices will include supplies such as press needles, seeds or moxa sticks to continue your treatments at home if recommended. Package deals maybe available for recurring treatments.