It’s your Birth!

Be Prepared

Know your Options

Go into Birth Confident & Empowered

Birth Preparation Services at

Born Bare Midwifery

  • Acuneedling

    Acuneedling is stimulation of acu-points within the scope of midwifery practice.

    It is used to promote balance and harmony within the body systems, supporting patients both emotionally and physically during episodes of disharmony or change.

  • Optimal Maternal Positioning

    A revolutionary program helping you to master the techniques, positions and movements to ensure a more comfortable pregnancy and a safe, confident and empowered birth that you are in control of.

    OMP for parents is a 4 hour interactive workshop held once a month on a Saturday.

There is no need to feel overwhelmed or underprepared when it comes to your labour and birth….

Approach your Birth feeling Calm, Confident & Empowered!

One 4 hour workshop & just 15 minutes a day will give you all the tools you need to birth your baby YOUR way.

Being Prepared is Easy!

  1. Register for your OMP Workshop

Optimal Maternal Positioning for parents is a 4 hour workshop held once a month on a Saturday morning.

Find the next available dates via the booking button below.

2. Learn Alignment & Mobility Protocols

During the workshop you will learn a pelvic alignment protocol designed to create space in the pelvis and promote comfort in pregnancy.

You will also learn how to position and move your body during labour to use the space you create in your pelvis to its maximum potential.

Learn how the different ways you position your body can speed up or slow down your labour and birth.

3. Have a Safe, Empowered Birth

Use the skills & techniques you learn during your workshop to help you have a safe, easier and more comfortable birth.

Woman holding baby